How to install forklift matting

This guide will provide you with in-depth information about how to install forklift matting, how to prevent slip accidents and how to prevent forklift trucks from skidding.


How to install forklift matting

Forklift matting is easy to install, no specialist equipment is required. See our 8 easy-to-follow steps for effective forklift matting installation:

  1. Start by thoroughly degreasing the back of each mat

2. Apply double-sided tape across the back of each mat

applying matting tape

3. Ensure the tape is firmly applied

securing matting tape

4. Peel the tape off and lay the mats into position, ensure the floor is clean and dry

preparing matting

5. Press each mat firmly into place

securing matting

6. Mats can be butted up against each other for a neat finish

fitting forklift matting

7. Use a heavy floor roller (if available) to maximise the bond

forklift matting

8. You can now safely use forklift trucks at your facility

forklift truck matting

Superdry Heavy Traffic Forklift Truck Matting

Superdry Heavy Traffic Forklift Matting installation video

Our installation video shows you everything you need to know before undertaking forklift truck mat installation.

How can you prevent forklifts from skidding?

Forklifts can be prevented from skidding by ensuring that their wheels are dried effectively before making contact with internal warehouse flooring. Forklift matting is an easy-to-install solution that dries wheels. This type of matting ensures that dirt, debris, and moisture are not transferred onto internal floors.

The British Safety Council reported that:

25% of workplace transport injuries are a direct result of forklift truck accidents.

It’s essential to have all safety procedures and products installed, this should include effective flooring to reduce injuries caused by forklift trucks.

Where can forklift truck mats be used?

The most popular and effective use for forklift truck mats is to install them at loading bay entrances that have forklift traffic.

Typical workplace environments that can benefit from forklift mats:

  • Industrial environments like factories
  • Distribution centres
  • Large retail superstores
  • Warehouses

What are the benefits of forklift matting?

There are many benefits provided by installing forklift matting at your facility:

  • The waffle pattern on the mats absorbs moisture and scrapes away dirt from forklift truck wheels, helping to keep floors clean.
  • Reduction in the risk of employees slipping, caused by the transfer of water onto flooring.
  • The mats reduce the risk of forklifts skidding or losing control on contaminated floor surfaces.
  • Effective forklift matting can reduce cleaning costs, especially during bad weather.
  • The matting will also protect the subfloor from damage.

How should forklift matting be cleaned and maintained?

Forklift matting is easy to clean and maintain it can be vacuumed or brushed with a stiff brush to effectively remove dirt and debris.

If you have any questions about how to install forklift matting or have any product queries, you can contact our friendly sales team to provide you with their expert opinion

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