We have produced a brand new explainer video to illustrate the dangers of standing at work for long periods on hard floor surfaces. The video explains what Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are, and how prolonged standing can lead to such conditions. The video gives us more information on the problem of MSDs in the workplace, and outlines some simple preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the risks, such as the introduction of anti fatigue matting.

Who suffers from standing for long periods?

The explainer video highlights the types of work areas where people can benefit from anti fatigue mats such as manufacturing, packing stations and catering outlets.

We use research from the European Survey on Working Conditions / European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. They found that across the EU:

  • Over 20% of workers suffer with muscular pain
  • Just under 25% suffer from back pain
  • Just over 45% complain of working in painful or tiring positions

These conditions are called MSDs, and they are the most common work related health conditions within the EU. It has been projected that 50% of the population could be affected by 2030.

Anti-Fatigue Explainer Video Still

Why do we need to take precautions?

Aches and pains can get worse over time if not addressed. Fatigue from standing can cause more serious problems than many of us realise. Muscular pain and circulation problems are just a couple of ailments that we highlight in the explainer video.

Anti-Fatigue Explainer Video Dave

Pain and tiredness can lead to concentration lapses and as a consequence, result in workplace accidents, which in severe cases, can even lead to loss of life. Recently we produced a Standing at work White Paper about the potential dangers of standing (and sitting) at work for long periods of time.

How to prevent MSDS

In the explainer video we talk about the simple steps employers can take to prevent MSDs. Anti fatigue matting can reduce the risks of regular excessive standing in the work place, by providing underfoot cushioning and promoting subtle foot movement.

COBAelite Anti-fatigue

The anti fatigue mats are also a great way to offer relief from standing on a cold concrete floor. We also look at the science of standing in the explainer video – this is a must watch!

Contact our team or call 011 452 7961 for guidance on choosing the right anti fatigue mat. We’ve got lots of options to choose from.